We return to a big, old-fashioned Hollywood flop with Gangster Squad, the movie that takes a bunch of good actors and a promising director and churns out a film thats absurd and deadly dull by turns. Meanwhile Elliott gives Hoagie Carmichael gift advice, Stuart comes out for cast awareness, and Dan is tired and really doesn’t keep up his end of the co-hosting duties. This episode brought to you by the letter “H.”
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Wikipedia synopsis for Gangster Squad
Movies recommended in this episode:
The Roaring Twenties
The Friends of Eddie Coyle
Grand Piano
Elephant > Herd
Gorilla > Band
Rabbit > Warren
Eagle > Convocation
Owl > Parliament
Frog > Army
Ant > Colony
Gangster > Squad
You don’t know how happy I am that you guys covered this movie. I’ve been waiting and hoping for it to be taken apart by one of the several bad movie podcasts I listen to, and you guys got to it first. THANK YOU!
The world desperately needs a sequel to “Donald in Mathmagic Land”.
It’s called “Kiefer in Mathmagic Land”
You can buy kefir in Mathmagic Land?
I’m convinced Michael Pena is only added into movies like this to troll the audience.