Your one stop shop for all of the stuff The Flop House (or individual hosts) are doing during the two magical weeks of MAX FUN DRIVE.
Your one stop shop for all of the stuff The Flop House (or individual hosts) are doing during the two magical weeks of MAX FUN DRIVE.
Please consider a charitable donation to an organization dedicated to the support and defense of trans people and immigrants during these dark days. Advocates for Trans Equality Global Action for Trans Equality The Trevor Project — ACLU Immigrants’ Rights National Immigration Law Center American Immigration Council “Every time a donation clears, a bigot gets psychically […]
Social media is either awful or dying, so why not get your Flop House news (and a few extra treats) direct from the source! Subscribe and we’ll do our best to make the emails worth it!
1/24/24 – CITY AND VENUE TBA (check back soon!) 1/25/24 – PORTLAND – ALADDIN THEATER 1/26/24 – SAN FRANCISCO – COBB’S COMEDY CLUB (as part of SF SKETCHFEST!) 1/28/24 – LOS ANGELES – THE REGENT Five days, four dates! Our first real TOUR tour! Come see us look exhausted (but filled with showtime adrenaline)!
We’re coming at you with a full season of SIX MONTHLY VIDEO LIVE STREAMS featuring your favorite bad movie podcasters in fun, fast, streamlined, hour-long versions of our live shows that you can enjoy from the comfort of home!
The videos are in, and it’s time for the listeners to vote on who wins the Sexy Xenomorph video contest, for some FH prizes, including getting to pick a movie for us to cover! ONE: First off, Ottilie contributes this intricate, all-puppet interpretation of our sure-to-be-hit single! TWO: Elizabeth’s version is a delightful collage. A […]
All the charity raffle info!