With audiences primed to be disappointed by a new Hercules movie in theaters, why not be like the Peaches and be disappointed by The Legend of Hercules in the comfort of your own home. Meanwhile Elliott tells us the secrets of the ancient Greek hamburger, Dan has uncanny recall for old Disney cartoons, and Stuart tells sad tales of British totty.
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Wikipedia synopsis for The Legend of Hercules
Movies recommended in this episode:
The Lego Movie
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
12 Years a Slave
Muppets Most Wanted
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
This is the best show on the waves…BUT, the ancient Greeks all used the phalanx, to great effect, come on EK, that was a history buff missed opportunity
It is weird that despite on the discussion about this or that obscure topic, it was the brief “the books are better than the television show” part about Game of Thrones was the first time I thought in a bad way, “Geez, these guys are nerds”?
Don’t forget there’s also an Asylum produced, wrestler-starring, direct-to-video movie called Hercules Reborn to get disappointed by, to fill out the trilogy.
Oh, man, you guys should stop confusing the poor girl! Barbara Gordon is no longer the Oracle! Ever since DC rebooted their universe, Barbara Gordon is Batgirl again.
(Now I imagine Elliott totally chucking his Stephanie Brown story in disgust.)
Gen13 references are not lost on me.
I lost it at the “Mickey and the Beanstalk” reference. That was such a staple of my childhood (as was “Donald in Mathmagic Land”, which you mentioned a few episodes back). I eagerly await the day “The Brave Little Toaster” becomes the subject of a bit on The Flophouse. Make it happen, guys.
May I mambo Dogtooth to the banana patch?