The OP’s are all back in action, celebrating the all-NEW made-up holiday of “Smallvember.” First up, the Christsploitation film God’s Not Dead, filled with the straw-manny-est straw men outside of a county fair. Meanwhile Elliott and Detective Columbo disprove the flat Earth theory, Stuart reveals a surprising knowledge of the Christian rock genre, and Dan announces a new contest!*
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Wikipedia synopsis for God’s Not Dead
*Dan mistakenly told folks to e-mail “” for the contest. It should be “” He apologizes for misremembering their ridiculously long e-mail. Alternatively, you can make your entry thru the “Contact” page of this website.
Movies recommended in this episode:
Smallvember: Because rhyming with September is too hard. I mean, what — Are you just gonna call it Smalltember? No, screw that: Smallvember.
May I suggest for Pornuary that you review the classic Bratgirl which features the infamous line, “I’ve seen hairier chests on Molly Ringwald.”
FebRueAry: The month where you review all the films that you rue the day you ever had to watch those films.
Isn’t there a danger that Pornuary will overlap with Sexember? These guys are all married now, I don’t think they can adjust to that much erotic stimulation.
I squealed in excitement when i saw what movie you guys covered this week
None of the Floppers bawled during the scene in The Fox and the Hound when Widow Tweed returns Tod to the woods?! Man, that’s still a hard one for me to watch.
Homeward Bound is another movie that messed me up as a kid. I cried several times during that film when I first saw it. It hits especially close to home now, as I’ve had many kitties I’ve loved and lost throughout the years. The final scene in which Shadow walks up the hill to his owners absolutely ruins me, since the cat I have now was once lost for a week before he came back home with a dislocated leg.
The most recent film to have destroyed me was Frozen, actually. For the first 15 or so minutes I was SOBBING in the theatre. Like, heaving, disgusting, choking sobs.
First of all thank you guys for all the free podcasts. I have been enjoying them for years.
But it’s getting to the point where all humor is based on pronounciation mistakes that are instantly riffed on for minutes with new mistakes in those riffs that are picked on as well. It is getting to the point where you have to be in Alliyott’s brain to understand the joke. And Sdurrt isn’t helping. Neither is Dean. I’m too often unable to even understand what you guys are making fun of not having seen the movie abd/or not knowing
– the plot of Hamlet
– knowing who sent Inspector Columbia to the new world
– @ cetera
I feel I need to be f***ing hammered to be able to laugh because right now I seem to only be laughing because you guys generate your own laugh track. And every time I laughed with you this episode I wondered “Wait… why am I laughing at this? I certainly didn’t get the joke. But these guys are my pals so it must be funny. He he….. He he he”
Anyway please do me a favor and keep the interruption level to three levels deep so I can understand the jokes again. Thank you 🙂
I think October 2015 actually has 5 Saturdays in it so might be the rare (if it has ever happened) three-episode Shocktober…
Good episode. I recently wrote about this one at my own site, and I would add that this is an exceptionally lazy movie. Little details are consistently off, like the Arabic girl’s iPod apparently not ever locking to easily allow characters to see her “forbidden” listening fodder (also, I’m under the impression that Muslims, like Mormons, don’t view the Bible as a sacrilegious book, just an incomplete one). There’s nothing worse than a pandering, biased advocacy movie that becomes a success, even when it’s obviously cynical, shitty and lazy. Which this is.