Think you’re too good for the Oxford comma, Men, Women & Children? WELL WE’RE TOO GOOD FOR YOU. Meanwhile Stu explains “X-Men nudity,” Dan makes a call for an annotated Flop House, and Elliott explains the music your kids’ kids are gonna love. Oh, and also there’s a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT.
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The Ipcress File
Wikipedia summary of Men, Women & Children
and lastly
January 15, 2016
Doors open 8:30/ 9pm show
The Bell House is at 149 7th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215
I thought the story behind mr Thesis-Statement’s baby leaving him was well known.
She was a waitress in the bar where he used to play before he moved to Chicago to become a professional musician. His girlfriend suspected him of having an affair with the lady he was working for as a gardener. But that relationship was only Platonic. She used to sit in the garden an read Tintin comics to him. It is well documented in his early recordings with Chess Records.
“My God, it’s full of stars.”
“What — The monolith?”
“No, this movie.”
“Oh, because I was hoping it’d be a monolith. Our, you know, literally anything else besides this terrible movie. Seriously, these multi-star vehicles are almost universally awful.”
What would happen if Teen Wolf’s team faced off against the team from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie where one of the players was a vampire?
Dan, you were a guest on your brother’s podcast, Sophomore Lit, in January of this year???? You weren’t kidding when you said you’ve been neglecting to plug that. Well, off I go to listen to the epidode.
P.s. A couple of Charles Dickens cereals:
Oliver Crisp and A Tale of Two Wheaties
The Oxford comma isn’t used before ampersands.
In the words of Stripe: Internet caca!
Where do we find out how to be a contestant for America’s Next Big Celebrity? This sounds like a totally fake contest that would really appeal to greater swath of humankind.
Pssst. The stinger (“Watch out for snakes!”) cuts off in the middle.
I’ve now realized that I posted that comment on the wrong page. I think I meant the stinger for the episode about that Rastafarian leprechaun movie. No, not Leprechaun: Origins. I think it was called Wee Jah. No, wait, maybe it was the stinger for the episode about that son of a mobster movie? No, not The Last Godfather. Pretty sure it was called Wee G.
I can only hope there’s a Pixels episode in the not too distant future.