Remember when Chappie fever swept the country, with all those pet Chappies, and tickle-me-Chappies? Meanwhile, Elliott describes a literary-technique-based dystopian future, Stuart continues to explain the Internet, and Dan just checks out for a while. Like, he totally doesn’t talk for seven minutes or something. Sorry, it was a long week.
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Download it here, or paste into iTunes (or your favorite podcatching software) to have new episodes delivered to you directly as they’re released.Movies recommended in this episode:
Dead or Alive
Drunk, Stoned, Brilliant, Dead
Premonition Following an Evil Deed

Wikipedia synopsis of Chappie
So the most famous example of Zef music would be Die Anterwood, a rap group featuring Yolanda Visser. Hey, wait, wasn’t she in this move? Yes, yes she was. Their music is so weird and intense that it sort that it becomes interesting. Kisser’s voice is babyish and disturbing, but for whatever reason I actually like it:
Also, when Stuart asked what the selling point of Robot Carnival, I thought about how one would pitch Ninja Scroll…
-“So like there’s this gold mine that everybody wants, and then this group of ninjas goes to find what happened to a nearby town where everybody died, but then this rock monster kills them all except for the only female, who he kidnaps and graphically rapes and…”
-“Wait, and this is a cartoon?”
-“Yeah yeah, it’s animated. So anyways, he graphically rapes her and…”
You guys should totally do the new Fantastic Four next!
i liked chappie because I am a total sucker for robots getting emotionally abused
HA! Dan and I were on the same page, only I thought of Dogville instead of Breaking the Waves.
what were the 3 anime everyone watched in the 90s he said?
Best letter ever?
More like crappie.
Another interesting diversion into the world of Die Antwoord:
They collaborated with Harmony Korine on a short.