Zhubin Parang joins us for the fourth most magical time on the Flop House calandar: Cagemas in July! It’s also time for the political conventions, so more extensive show notes are canceled while Dan jets off to Cleveland and Philly.
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Video by Ken Pfeiste
Samhain has nothing to do with Halloween pays of happening around the same time of year. Samhain has more in common with Thanksgiving, in that they are harvest festivals. It’s all about preparing for the upcoming winter. Bonfires, deciding which animals to slaughter for food or keep for work animals next year, and couples putting chestnuts in the fire to see if they move apart or together as an indicator of how their relationship will fair in the upcoming year
That was a wild ride through ancient pagans traditions.
Uh, instead of relying on a random Internet commenter, I think I’d rather get my Samhain details from an authoritative source: Glenn Danzig.
OK, two questions: #1 why isn’t there a crowd fund to get a feature length Ken Pfeiste “Rocket Crocodile and the World of Tomorrow” (soundtrack by Jason MacIsaac ) done? and #2 how much $$ do we need to make this dream come true?
Two things – one, it’s great to hear from a fellow compressed-viewing fan – there are dozens of us.
Two – he sounds a lot like Joshua Jackson. To a distracting degree.
why no tag for zhubin?