Hey, we found a guy from much more popular podcasts than ours to come guest host with us. Travis McElroy from My Brother My Brother and Me and The Adventure Zone (and like 50 others) joins us to discuss the movie he insisted we watch, The Apple. It’s… a trip. Meanwhile Elliott clarifies the plot to Bosom Buddies, Dan refuses to meet an actual vampire, Stuart reveals a Julian Sands secret, and Travis quickly discovers that the easiest way to fit in is to bully Dan.
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Wikipedia synopsis for The Apple
Movies recommended in this episode
Kingsman: The Golden Circle
High Tension
Phantom Thread
Wow! The Apple, you made my Saturday.
Somehow, despite being called The Apple and having a villain whose initials are an anagram for IBM, this isn’t based on the competing computer companies. And this movie is set in 1994 because they wanted to echo 1984 themes, but that was too close to the current year at the time. Again, no relation to the Apple Computer famous 1984 inspired ad.
The actor who plays the God character in this movie later plays the devil-like character in Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey (he opposes the Wyld Stallions inspired future Paradise).
This is absolutely one of my favorite things to watch. After the first time I saw it, I tracked down a copy of the soundtrack (that may or may not have been thrown at the screen at the prenier viewing of the movie. I’ll meet you all at the photo of the gold rolls royce in the sky.
Here’s a low-bitrate version for people with data caps:
Thanks again for this!
Fuck. Please never again.
So this happens at four o’clock every day in this world?
Ok, so what if the subtext of Pandi (btw: her name is Pandi) sending Bibi back to Alfie is that she and Dandy (seriously, what’s with the E sounds at the end of names) had agreed to swap partners with Bibi and Alfie, but the sex with Alfie was so disappointing (for both of them since he peaced out immediately) that she just wanted to get Bibi out of there to get Dandy back and never had a change of heart at all?
Also, that’s quite the run on sentence.
See Thomas howl.
See Thomas run.
See Thomas chased by a man with a gun.
For Thomas has teeth.
Thomas has claws.
Thomas has blood matted on his paws.
Thomas was bitten.
Thomas nearly died.
Thomas has changed like he’s Mr. Hyde.
Thomas fears silver.
And the wolf’s bane.
But mostly fears what he does unchained.
Travis shouting throughout the podcast was a bit rough ,,, Love the guy but geez.
Eliot – “Columbus” takes place in Columbus, Indiana, not Columbus, Ohio.
The movie Columbus does not take place in Columbus Ohio but rather Columbus Indiana. Cummins Inc. is HQ in Columbus Indiana and its 2nd CEO and nephew of the company’s founder was a huge fan of modernist architecture. So, he started a program where the Cummins foundation would pay architects’ fees for local organization provided the group chose from a list of approved firms. So this town of maybe 40 thousand people has some of the finest buildings and public art in America. Having said that it is also Vice President Mike Pence’s hometown, so boo.
I had almost the exact same thing as Elliot happen irt the Kingsman and the ending anal sex joke. I was at my Mom’s house and she really wanted to show me this movie she loved and I remember hearing about the ending scene on a podcast somewhere so I brought it up and she was adamant that nothing like that happened in the movie. When we got to the end her jaw dropped.