On this episode we discuss the alliterative disaster-heist movie hybrid The Hurricane Heist. Meanwhile Stuart is tired, Dan is hungover, Elliott is at his in-laws, and by the time this episode drops 2/3 of us will be on vacation, so let’s all just pretend I wrote more detailed show notes, okay?
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Wikipedia synopsis for The Hurricane Heist
Movies recommended in this episode
Football plays are very complicated and have many options built in to account for how the defence is playing it. That’s how the same play call can be, like, a button hook against one defence and a post play against another. Apparently whatever defence those heisters were playing involved options for blowing out a bunch of windows and then later smashing into a car.
Like I said, football plays are very complicated.
This is my first time watching the World Cup and your comment provided me with some very useful nuances of the game. Thank you.
Here’s a low-bitrate version for people with Data Caps!
Thanks for this!
“As true as it is not funny to say”. Damn, Elliott.
Hall of Flop