ALL TIMES EASTERN! If you’re worried, convert the time zone! This may be updated, so check back!
3/15 – Our first of THREE Max Fun Drive episodes drops! The theme is “Movies Without Spider-Man” so, of course, we’re watching VENOM: THE LAST DANCE, KRAVEN THE HUNTER and HEARTBEEPS – three movies twith an equal probability that Spider-Man might appear in them, but he did NOT! First: KRAVEN!
3/16 – 7pm: Not officially a Drive event, but Stu and Sharlene’s bar, Minnie’s, is having a PROM, to celebrate the bar’s 6th anniversary. It might be a good place to spy a FH host or two!
“We took out everything that sucks about prom and made it inclusive! Ask who you want! Dress to impress! Vote for non-gendered prom monarchs! Fabric flowers for purchase with the sales donated to The Trevor Project! The theme is Intergalactic Disco!”
3/17 – We celebrate MFD’s official kick-off with a SURPRISE GIFT TO YOU! What is it? Follow our BlueSky, Instagram, Mastodon, Discord, and/or Facebook page to find out!
+ Also on 3/17, Check our show feed: Dan joins MaxFilm’s Alonso Duralde and Drea Clark to be quizzed by Dave Holmes about 90’s movies, as part of the “spring break” themed kickoff for this year’s MFD.
+ Also ALSO on 3/17, current supporters check the Max Fun members only feed: Stuart joins our friends at Maximum Film for a bonus ep! He explains Warhammer to the (presumably baffled) MaxFilm hosts!
3/19 – Check our show feed for a BONUS CONTENT teaser – by far the most-requested adjunct Flop House thing is more RPG games run by Stuart, so this year we’re releasing THREE bonus episodes of his FlopTales series!
This year? It’s SLOPtales, as the customary trio – Dan, Elliott, and beloved adjunct Flopper Zhubin Parang – play restaurant staff in a small beach town, on the first night of summer. The vibe is classic multi-camera sitcom, with chaos, catchphrases, shenanigans, and maybe even a heartwarming moment. The goal? Create enough chaos to be interesting, but not enough to ruin the restaurant. Can our three flop-stooges do it?
3/20 – 8pm – Speaking of Slop, The Flop House’s OTHER Slop-pun-based show, “The Slop House” will return to Stuart’s Twitch stream on the 20th. It’s our homegrown, low-fi cooking show where we chat with viewers, Stuart makes a cocktail, and Dan cooks a meal (aka Stu gets Dan drunk and tricks him into making dinner)
3/21 – Check the show feed for an announcement about a WEIRD PROJECT, written by Dan, that we’re offering as a stretch goal. Dan sez: I hope we get enough folks joining or upgrading, because I’d kind of love to make this happen.
3/22 – Venom: The Last Dance, our second MFD “No Spideys” show is released! NOT a mini week! Another FULL EPISODE.
3/24 – At 5pm all three Flop Hosts will be doing an AMA on the Flop House Discord channel!
3/25 – Stuart and Dan will be GUESTING ON “FREE WITH ADS.” Your favorite comedy movie podcast on Max Fun crosses over with your OTHER favorite comedy movie podcast on Max Fun! I won’t say which is which! Jordan Morris? More like Jordan MORE US! Does that work at all?
3/28 – A cavalcade of drive-closing events for the official last day, stacked one after another!
From 3pm to 5 pm: the McElroys are hosting a virtual pizza party on their channel, with a bunch of east coast Max Fun drive hosts stopping by. Stu and Dan should be there around 4:30 to hang out with those lovable McElboys. Link to come!
From 5pm to 9pm: join a listening party and chat with other Max Fun fans over at the official network YouTube, where they’ll be playing highlights from various shows’ bonus content (Flop House boco should start around 5:15 pm).
9pm: MaxFun HQ‘s traditional livestream celebrating the end of the drive! It’s Peachless (at least for now) due to scheduling conflicts, but please check in and say hi to all of our network friends!
3/29 – We close out Max Fun Drive with Paul Schrader’s HEARTBEEPS, a film with a notable lack of Spider-Man. That sentence would make NO sense to a non-listener! Congratulations!
THANK YOU FOR YOUR MEMBERSHIP. It’s more important than ever, and we really appreciate your continued support of The Flop House and Maximum Fun!