FH Mini 80 – Behind the Scenes

After a little talk about the writers’ strike (donate to the Entertainment Community Fund here, if you’re so inclined), Dan takes us behind the scenes at Flop House HQ.
After a little talk about the writers’ strike (donate to the Entertainment Community Fund here, if you’re so inclined), Dan takes us behind the scenes at Flop House HQ.
You wanna movie about Russell Crowe, he drive around on a Vespa, maybe getta rid of some demons? Ho boy, The Pope’s Exorcist gonna make something real nice for you! That’s right, we all took field trips for a rare Flop House in the aisles (although who knows if The Pope’s Exorcist will still be playing in any theaters by the time this comes out)!
Stuart runs us through some of those tantalizing, teasing trailers.
Yeah yeah yeah, Ashton Kutcher and Reese Witherspoon, whatever, let’s talk about REAL STAR POWER — Hallie Haglund! Hallie’s back! HALLIE! HALLIE! HALLIE! She joins us to discuss our second romcom in a row: Your Place or Mine, a nonsensical romp about a week-long accountancy course, and also love.
Elliott guides us in a cinematic celebration of everyone’s favorite holiday — tax day!
Huh. Traditionally, one gets TWO tickets to paradise, but I guess we didn’t get a plus one. You know what? Climb into our luggage, so you can join us as we discuss Ticket to Paradise, a holdover from an earlier era when we still had movie stars, and used them to paper over not having much else.
As a thank-you for everyone who became a new or upgrading member during Max Fun Drive 2023 or has been a sustaining member for years, we’ve provided some bespoke movie recommendations for some fortunate listeners who reached out in response to our call! (If we didn’t get to yours this time around, fear not! We hope to do more in the future.)
It’s Max Fun Drive time (if you haven’t already, please consider becoming a member of Maximum Fun and supporting The Flop House), and we decided to give ourselves a real challenge for this one — we watched the Judd Apatow “hey maybe there’s something funny about this pandemic” Netflix all-star “comedy” The Bubble. Did it make our heads explode with exasperated fury? Listen to find out!