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Episode #330 – Freaky, with Barbara Crampton

We break out of our normal format a bit for this BONUS EPISODE! How so? Well, #1, we watched a movie that we were all pretty sure we’d like (and, spoiler alert, we did) — the body-swap horror-comedy “Freaky,” and #2, instead of doing letters and recommendations, we take a bit of extra time to talk to Barbara Crampton about her career.

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Episode #328 – Happy Halloween, Scooby Doo!, with Justin McElroy

Greeting boils and ghouls and gender non-kill-forming! For the spooookiest holiday of the year, Thanksgiving, we discuss the very appropriate Happy Halloween, Scooby Doo! Why? Well, we ask our guest, the hilarious absolute sweetheart, Justin McElroy, that very question — you may know him as one of the hosts of Max Fun’s own My Brother My Brother and Me, The Adventure Zone, Sawbones, and many other podcasts you should probably be listening to instead of our nonsense.

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Episode #327 – Men In Black: International, with Annabelle Gurwitch

And so we arrive at November, so named because it has no special theme. And, folks, we’ll admit… this MIB: International episode is a weird one. Why? Well, finding out is part of the fun. But our guest for this show is Annabelle Gurwitch, from Max Fun’s new Tiny Victories podcast, as well as TBS’s Dinner and a Movie, countless acting roles, and quite a few books. Enjoy.

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FH Mini 17 – The Monster Mash, with Mike Reiss and Ken Keeler

2020 may be miserable, but it’s STILL HALLOWEEN DAMN IT. So we assembled a crack team of the Flop House gang, plus comedy writers Mike Reiss and Ken Keeler (who, between them, are responsible for much of the greatness of The Simpsons, The Critic, and Futurama) to discuss the most important and timely issue possible — the 1962 novelty hit, The Monster Mash.

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