FH Mini 2: Working Weak

In this minisode we take on the topic of jobs in movies. If you want to dictate a future minisode, tweet at us @theflophousepod.
In this minisode we take on the topic of jobs in movies. If you want to dictate a future minisode, tweet at us @theflophousepod.
It’s the second and final of our two contest winner-selected episodes, this one picked by Scott Yacychyn, who designed our delightful new Flop House “couch monsters” poster, which you can purchase HERE! It’s a romantic comedy called Little Italy (or as they pronounce it, li’lit’ly), set in the world’s most romantic city… Toronto! Meanwhile, Stuart gets mad at Elliott, Dan gets mad at Elliott and Stuart, and Elliott just keeps on singing a happy song.
Here’s a little thing we’re trying, sort of as a snack between episodes. Minisodes that are more tangent than show. On this first one, we ask: Goofy — what’s HIS deal?
Zar-who-what-now? We finally get around to one of our contest winner episodes, this one picked by Elizabeth Stege, who designed our delightful new Flop House Housecat t-shirt, which you can purchase HERE! It’s a Full Moon Features (awww yeah, Stu) kaiju movie with about 5 minutes of giant monster action in the whole film. But what it lacks in reason to exist, it makes up for in… charm? We guess? Meanwhile, Stuart explains the advantages to playing with dead things, Elliott explains how time zones work, and Dan introduces an exciting new wrinkle to the show.
Didja really think we’d pass up The Happytime Murders? The movie that many proclaimed the worst of 2018? Don’t be silly! We just held onto the episode in our vault of live shows until it was no longer relevant! Please enjoy this live recording from… last summer? We can’t remember. Taped at our ol’ stomping grounds, The Bell House, in fabulous and increasingly unaffordable Brooklyn, NY!
SURPRISE! It’s an off-week extra episode, just because we didn’t want to go ANY longer without discussing that purrfect mewowsical, directed by Tomcat Hooper: CATS! It’s a show so big, we couldn’t do it without the dual returns of Cats enthusiast, Jenny Jaffee, and musical theater authority, Ms. Natalie Walker who was AT THE MOTHERFUCKING CATS PREMIERE! We know that there’s usually a bunch of gibberish at this point, teasing stuff from the episode, but just dive in, folks! IT’S CATS!
We kick off the New Year (and the next 300 episodes?) by discussing a movie that no one has ANY strong feelings about — Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. One programming note: we sort of threw together this episode at the last moment because Elliott was visiting New York, so we skip the usual letters and recommendation segments. Don’t worry, though — we still manage to talk for 100 minutes. Because it’s Star Wars.
Well, we made it to three hundred, guys. And it only took us 12 years. What a triumph of the human spirit. Or monument to three lives sorely misused. One of those two things. But hey! It’s Cagemas, when we celebrate the work of Saint Nicolas Cage! And Hallie’s here! And we’re talking about The Wicker Man! That’s a 300th birthday to be proud of Meanwhile Elliott and Stu really love pronouncing “raspberries,” Dan wonders how long you can hold bullets, and Hallie isn’t gonna let motherhood tank her Flop House Q rating.