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The Flop House Movie Minute #4 – Comic Heroes

We atone for the lack of full-length episodes, due to Dan’s vacation, with this: a movie minute so long so as to render the concept useless. Enjoy! Press the play button above to listen to this episode. Download it here, or paste into iTunes (or your favorite podcatching software) to have new episodes delivered […]

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The Flop House Movie Minute #3 – Coming Attractions

We devote this Flop House Movie Minute to the ultimate in nostalgia sequels. Press the play button above to listen to this episode. Download it here, or paste into iTunes (or your favorite podcatching software) to have new episodes delivered to you directly, as they’re released.

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Episode Thirteen: The Invasion

In our least-edited show yet, we discover that big stars, glossy production values, and a classic story can’t save you from being snatch’d by the Flop House, as we discuss The Invasion. Meanwhile, Elliott tries to sell us on his medical humor, Stuart imagines the sassy sentient skateboard of his dreams, and Dan auditions for […]

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The Flop House Movie Minute #2 – A Beckinsale Tale

In the second of our short, supplemental episodes, noted raconteur Stuart Wellington describes his encounter with noted werewolf-hunter Kate Beckinsale. Press the play button above to listen to this episode. Download it here, or paste into iTunes (or your favorite podcatching software) to have new episodes delivered to you directly, as they’re released.

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Episode Twelve: Awake

Jessica Alba and Hayden Christensen apply all of their Flop House star power to Awake, a strangely sedate thriller about a man who spends much of the movie paralyzed. Then dead. But don’t worry; it has a happy ending. Meanwhile, Elliott takes our very first caller, Dan admires the bravery of Sean Connery’s Medicine Man, […]

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The Flop House Movie Minute #1

We’re going to start producing short, supplemental episodes to put out in weeks without a full-length Flop House, so that listeners don’t have to wait quite so long for new content. In this first episode, Dan addresses some of the material lost (thanks to technical difficulties) from the Awards Floptacular episode. Press the play button […]

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Episode Eleven: Awards Floptacular!

Special guest Elliott Kalan returns to discuss what has been called “The Academy Awards of movies,” the Oscars. Meanwhile, Stuart hands out tips about the Internet, Dan learns what it means to be a really unlikely stripper, and Elliott fears running afoul of Wayne Enterprises. Press the play button above to listen to this episode […]

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Episode Ten: Good Luck Chuck

Comedian Ritch Duncan joins us to talk about “comedian” Dane Cook, and his movie Good Luck Chuck — a poignant film about love lost, found, and crotch-biting penguins. Meanwhile Dan makes a plea for exploitation filmmakers to stick to their guns, Ritch explains when to allow a bird to ingest its own feces, and Stuart […]

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