All Dan McCoy

Episode #362 – Dungeons & Dragons, with Adam Rex

We’re joined by bestselling children’s book author and illustrator Adam Rex, to discuss the misbegotten Dungeons & Dragons movie from 2000. What does he know about D&D, oh, we dunno… just that he was an illustrator for a little book called… THE MONSTER MANUAL (3rd edition)? Ever heard of it? (…plus a ton of other D&D manuals, Magic the Gathering cards, and other role playing and fantasy games). Join us as we point our magic missles at this magic misfire.

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FH Mini 48 – A Trip Down Memory Lane with Nukie, feat. Erik Marcisak

We’re joined by Erik Marcisak, the man who holds a hallowed place in Flop House history, as the man who introduced Dan and Elliott to one another. We reminisce with Erik about the old days, doing shows in his tiny comedy theater; then we segue into a discussion of Nukie, one of the bad movies that bonded him with Elliott; and wrap up with Erik subtly hijacking the show to interview us for a little bit.

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Episode #361 – Accidental Love, with Matthew Silverstein and Dave Jeser

Here’s a new one — two of the credited writers of Accidental Love (aka “Nailed,” the movie that went through so many production issues that director David O. Russell asked for his name to be removed) actually PITCHED their own movie to us to cover. That’s right, Elliott’s colleagues, Matt Silverstein and Dave Jeser, join us to discuss this legendarily troubled film, and they seem just as baffled as anyone about it!

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Episode #360 – House of Gucci, with Audrey Lazaro

Up until now, Audrey has been like one of those sitcom characters who’s oft-referenced, but remains unseen, but now it’s time for her to take the spotlight! Did we mention that Dan married her in November? Mazel tov, etc. And for such a joyous occasion the boys have given themselves a break by watching a movie that many people have goofed on, but they were all pretty sure they’d actually enjoy — Lady Gaga’s accent extravaganza, House of Gucci!

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Episode #359 – Dear Evan Hansen, with Sharlene Wellington

In what has become a mini-tradition, we kick off the new year with an examination of last year’s biggest musical flop. Unfortunately this one has a lot fewer cats and a lot more lying to a grieving family, and it’s called Dear Evan Hansen. Joining us for the discussion is noted bar owner, Stuart wife, and DEH-on-Broadway-hater, Sharlene Wellington!

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