FH Mini 105 – The Flop House Bar & Grill

Stuart brings a surprise guest, and a surprising new business venture for the Flop House.
Stuart brings a surprise guest, and a surprising new business venture for the Flop House.
In which Dan’s premise is very silly.
In which Stuart wastes the time of his friends and an Academy Award-nominated filmmaker by asking us all about our favorite fruits, a food Elliott hates.
rprises Dan and Stu with a series of impromptu debate prompts, forcing his co-hosts to argue for the cinema mothers they’d most like to have as moms.
In honor of our Masters of the Universe streaming show tonight, Elliott takes us on a very silly tour through some of his favorite movie toy tie-ins.
Stu returns to his smash hit mini format, to discuss the hit show about teens and drugs that everyone’s talking about.
We’re joined by Erik Marcisak, the man who holds a hallowed place in Flop House history, as the man who introduced Dan and Elliott to one another. We reminisce with Erik about the old days, doing shows in his tiny comedy theater; then we segue into a discussion of Nukie, one of the bad movies that bonded him with Elliott; and wrap up with Erik subtly hijacking the show to interview us for a little bit.
Dan challenges the others to a game he’s invented that has absolutely nothing to do with Monopoly, and everything to do with how quickly we forget the dreck we watch for this podcast.