FH Mini 75 – Battle of the Streaming Networks
Dan puts on his gamesmaster hat, to run Elliott and Stu through a gamut of short games, based on the movie offerings of various streaming services.
Dan puts on his gamesmaster hat, to run Elliott and Stu through a gamut of short games, based on the movie offerings of various streaming services.
Stuart “Tuboy” Wellington brings back his popular Flop House mini format of “forget about movies, what about television for a while?” and Dan and Elliott follow him for some free-rangin’ TV talk!
Our esteemed host for the mini, Mr. Elliott Kalan, takes Dan and Stu on a tour through Oscar history by quizzing them on some of the most forgettable Best Picture winners of all time
This is one of the zanier minis we’ve done — so much so, that we kind of don’t even want to spoil it for you. Just take a number, and dive right in!
What even is a Christmas movie anyway?
Dan leads us on a tour of nut movies. It kind of makes sense when you listen to it.
Elliott ranks his top eleven Charlies from cinema, and the others discuss. Why? It kind of makes sense if you listen. But not really.
Dan brings back his popular IMDb Goofs game to challenge Elliott and Stu on their 90s knowledge.